Launch campaign with:

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View pre-built templates. Personalize and launch in under 5 minutes!
Add multiple entry methods in a campaign to achieve multiple goals.

Existing customers: You can view and use these templates by
going to Gratisfaction adminCampaignsCreate a CampaignUse templates

Get people to remember your brand, products and social media profile

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Watch and refer for chance to win!

Watch for chance to win!

Watch to win instant rewards

Black friday cyber monday treasure hunt. chance to win

Black friday cyber monday watch and refer for chance to win!

Christmas treasure hunt. chance to win

Christmas watch and refer for chance to win

Halloween treasure hunt. chance to win

Halloween watch and refer for chance to win

Thanksgiving treasure hunt. chance to win

Thanksgiving watch and refer for chance to win

Valentines day treasure hunt. chance to win

Valentines day watch and refer for chance to win

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